Mastery of Anxiety and Panic for Adolescents

MAP-A is a step-by-step approach designed to aid adolescents in developing skills to decrease the impact of anxiety and panic attacks on their lives.

It involves:

Learning self soothing, relaxation and distress reduction skills

Understanding about the cycle of anxiety and panic and ways which our thoughts and emotions can encourage or discourage panic attacks

Learning to slowly break the association between certain situations and the anxious thoughts and physiological reactions to anxiety

The goal of this process is for adolescents to learn to "Ride the Wave" of anxiety -- to have confidence that they can tolerate the anxiety and that they can return to a state of calm.

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You are welcome to call or submit a request for a free phone consultation to discuss how we can work together to bring about positive changes in your life.

Once an appointment has been scheduled, I will provide you with access to a private patient portal which will allow you to view and complete forms to prepare for your first appointment.