Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

ADHD is often identified when school-aged children are having persistent problems adjusting to the rules and structure of the classroom, but it can also be seen when people of any age have noticeable difficulty with focus, organization, task completion, attention to directions, deadlines, forgetfulness, impulsivity, and when they struggle with age-appropriate social skills. Below you will find signs of ADHD which we measure when determining if the diagnosis of ADHD is indicated. 

Common Symptoms of Inattention:

Poor attention to details and making careless mistakes

Trouble with focus in tasks or play

Appearing as though they are not listening when someone is speaking directly to them

Difficulty following directions and/or failing to complete tasks such as chores, schoolwork, or projects

Poor organizational skills

Often avoiding tasks which require mental effort and focus (*unless it falls into a high-interest topic or activity)

Losing things needed for tasks, activities, school, work, etc.

Is distracted very easily

Forgetful with daily activities such as steps to get ready for school, doing homework, etc.

Common Symptoms of Hyperactivity and Impulsivity:

Often fidgets or squirms

Has trouble sitting still or staying seated in the classroom or other situations

Seems to be always in motion or "on the go"

Runs around or climbs in situations where it is not appropriate

Often has trouble playing or doing things quietly

Excessive talking

Often blurts out answers

Has difficulty waiting their turn

Interrupts or intrudes on the conversations or play of others

Other factors to consider:

When a significant number of these behaviors have been present for at least 6 months, they are causing significant disruption at home, school, or in relationships, and they aren't very common for children of that age who do not have ADHD, then a diagnosis of ADHD may be considered. it is a good idea to consult with their doctor and speak to a therapist who specializes in treating ADHD to discuss assessment, treatment options, and to learn more about ADHD and how to manage it effectively.

In some cases, symptoms of ADHD are outgrown as the child ages but in other cases they can persist into adulthood. Treatment options include behavior therapy, family therapy and parent training. I highly recommend and utilize The Nurtured Heart Approach with children and parents to help decrease the negative impact that some of the "typical" parenting approaches have cultivated within a family experiencing symptoms of ADHD. I am happy to share more about this approach and the positive outcomes which may be possible for families who adopt this approach at home.

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Once an appointment has been scheduled, I will provide you with access to a private patient portal which will allow you to view and complete forms to prepare for your first appointment.